4 Best benefits of nuts : Easy & Healthy ways to consume nuts!

Nuts are a very popular and on-the-go food item for most of us! Super convenient, tasty and not just that, they are very filling as well. They are full of healthy fats, fiber, other nutrients and on the whole with many benefits. 

Nuts are among the best sources of plant-based proteins and each type of nut offers different nutritional value. No wonder nuts are considered super-healthy food for all the right reasons! 

They’re rich in health and weight benefits that you would not want to miss! 

Here are some of the most commonly consumed nuts | India – 






*Peanuts are technically legumes but due to their similar nutritional properties are treated as nuts!

Mixed nuts!

4 Best benefits of eating nuts –

Weight management

Nuts are largely made of fats! 

So this might seem counterintuitive for weight loss or weight management. But, the catch here is nuts are made of healthy fats which means fats in nuts are almost or majorly unsaturated. Because of these unsaturated fats that are there in nuts, we feel more satisfied after eating a handful and also helps us eat less over the time. 

Research also suggests that our body does not absorb all of the calories present in nuts as a portion of the fat stays trapped within the nuts wall itself! So, nuts would help us stay full for a longer time and also help us manage that weight we want to.

Full of antioxidants

Antioxidants, compounds present in food that help to repair damaged cells. 

Antioxidants present in nuts can protect the delicate fats in our cells from damage caused by oxidation. 

Nuts contain compounds called polyphenols which have a protective effect in the body. Polyphenols increase antioxidant capacity which helps to protect cells from damage. 

Supports gut health

We all must have heard, ‘gut health is important’ but to break it down – What is gut health?

Gut health – Gut health refers to the physical state and physiologic function of many parts of the gastrointestinal tract. 

Nuts have a great source of fiber and a diet that is rich in fiber lowers the risk of chronic diseases. 

Fiber provides many health benefits. Increasing fiber content in your diet supports and regulates your gut health largely.

Fights inflammation

Nuts have high anti-inflammatory properties. 

Inflammation is the body’s way of being able to defend itself from injuries. However, prolonged or long-term inflammation can increase the risk of diseases. 

Walnuts in particular are high in plant-based omega-3 fatty acid (ALA) which has anti-inflammatory effects. 

Reducing inflammation can decrease your risk for most possible chronic diseases.

Apart from the above mentioned benefits there are more benefits of eating nuts which could range from their high nutritional value, promotes heart health, healthy fats, helps you snack less and many more!

Best nuts to consume with their best properties!

Almonds help you lose weight

Almonds have higher fiber count than any other nuts. Fiber makes you full which helps to snack less and manage weight in a better way.

Walnuts best antioxidants and helps fight inflammation

Walnuts contain superior antioxidants. They are super rich in omega-3 fatty acids which in turn helps fight inflammation.

Pistachios helps to snack less

These nuts are very low in calories yet very high in protein content. So a handful of them would keep our bored form of hunger at bay! Hence, better managing our weight.

Cashews acts as good immunity booster

Cashews are rich in zinc and vitamins. Zinc is an immune boosting compound that is important for cell processes. These nuts contain healthy fats, fiber and a good source of iron too!

Easy & healthy ways to consume nuts

Muesli with nuts & fruits!

Easiest way is to choose raw or dry-roasted handful of nuts

If you enjoy having salads, instead of adding only the regular croutons to your salad, you can add a few nuts and get that crunchy satisfaction to your salad. 

Breakfast cereal, in your regular breakfast bowl or oats (in a boring oats porridge) you can add in some nuts of your choice! That would add great texture and taste to your breakfast. 

For a quick snack, we can pick up any fruit and add in some nuts along with our snack. A combination of fruit, say apples and a few nuts would keep our hunger satisfied for long enough. 

Nuts can be easily reduced to powder which you can add to your smoothies and shakes. This would make it way tastier and would be more filling as well. 

All the above mentioned ideas would be a quick fix in our daily routine to add that crunch to our snacking in a very easy and raw form of nuts! Thus, adding all the required benefits of nuts to life.


Nuts are tasty, very convenient and can be added to different forms of diets in easy ways. The benefits that nuts would bring to the table ranging from health benefits, weight benefits and better lifestyle habits are essential. 

Instead of going an extra mile to make a healthy living, if we add easy and quick foods to our everyday eating habits, then that would add an extra calm in the longer run. 

To a healthy and happy lifestyle!