For centuries people have been drinking tea. Yes, few of them are amazingly tasty and not just that but the benefits a small cup of herbal tea can provide is crazy to know.
Few of the common health conditions that people face like acidity, bloating to other serious conditions like PCOD, PCOS, Thyroid, Diabetes and the like.
Herbal teas work as great remedies to be able to tackle the above health conditions. However, it is important to understand that what works for one person may not work the same way for others.
Benefits of herbal teas
Relieve stress
Boosts immune system
Weight management
Reduce inflammation
Better sleep
Helps to manage period cramps
Digestive issues and many more!
5 Herbal teas – That you can start with | Indian version
Chamomile tea
The herb is traditionally used to treat intestinal issues such as acidity, upset stomach, inflammation.
Chamomile tea is one of the best natural remedies to treat insomnia. One cup of chamomile tea before your bedtime is going to calm you down and put you to sleep like a baby.

As chamomile flowers are 100% caffeine free, it is perfect for sipping any time during the day to take some time off and unwind. If there is one tea that works wonders at any time during the day it has to be – Chamomile tea.
Hibiscus tea
This herbal tea will be in rich red color and has a flavor similar to that of cranberries!
Hibiscus tea is rich in powerful antioxidants and thus helps to fight free radicals which are compounds that cause damage to our cells.

This tea can be your friend if you are trying to manage your weight as it helps to reduce body fat. This would work better anyday when you have a good workout routine of course!
Peppermint tea
This garden plant has numerous benefits. Research suggests that the aroma of the peppermint may reduce feelings of frustration, anxiety, stress and fatigue.
Peppermint tea is a classic choice to relax yourself. You know those sudden stress headaches we all get? Well peppermint tea could be to your rescue!

As this tea helps to calm you, people prefer to have it after dinner to calm down the digestive system. Hence, helping us to sleep better.
Peppermint oil is also great. Helps to soothe you down!
Lavender tea
Lavender tea has multiple benefits and is also known for its mood-relaxing effects. It may help to manage your mental stress and even digestion.
If you think about it – in spas, aroma therapy, hotel stays use lavender aroma as it helps us to relax!
Lavender tea can also help to soothe those painful period cramps.
Ginger tea
This tea is a spicy drink loaded with disease fighting antioxidants.

This tea is well known to soothe digestive issues. Also it has been proven that ginger has pain-relieving properties, Hence, it is helpful for those who struggle with headaches, migraines and even period cramps.
Herbal teas have many benefits and a soothing effect, however herbal teas are in no way a replacement to a prescribed treatment.
The benefits a particular tea has might show great results for few and foe few others it might be time taking to show any form of result.
As herbal teas are concentrated on one particular herb or plant based, it is suggested to practice one tea for 21 days and not more than that. Any change can usually be observed in 21 days. So, after 21 days of drinking herbal tea you can take a break – study the changes it has brought and after a short gap you might continue depending on the need or prescription if any.
Enjoy these tasty and healthy herbal teas.