6 Foods choices to beat those period cramps – Part 1

Periods are painful. The combination of period cramps, bloating and mood swings, followed by many people have very uncomfortable symptoms before periods begin or during the course of periods like – headaches, fatigue, nausea and body pains. 

All that we girls would want to do is just sit back in our comfy pj’s, with a tub of chocolate ice cream and watch something on Netflix just so we would be engrossed in some curious series. Though it might sound pleasant but that does not help us deal with those harsh period cramps. 

Dealing with menstrual cramps is a part of every girl’s journey. For some it might be mild pains, while for some, it can be exhausting and painful. 

Yes, period cramps are nasty and harsh but are not unbeatable for sure! With a few wise food choices we can bring in a huge sigh of relief and manage those days in the month!!! 

So what should you eat!


Apart from being packed with nutrients they are delicious and also helps you stay hydrated. Few fruits typically have an edge over the others and are helpful if you are suffering from period pain.


Bananas : A great meal in itself. Source of vitamin B6 and potassium which helps reduce bloating and muscle cramps. Rich in fiber and will help your bowel movement. You can enjoy a banana smoothie or place them in your pudding bowl. 

Pineapples : Pineapples have a chemical in them called Bromelain with anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, helps us to survive through cramping muscles. Also vitamin C from pineapples helps to absorb more iron in your body. 

Kiwis : An enzyme called actinidin is easy to digest and helps to cool down your stomach. Kiwis help to get rid of bloating and the extra water retention which makes us feel all puffy. 

Also remember to enjoy those water-rich fruits like watermelon, cucumber, oranges, lemons and berries to maintain the fluid loss in your body.

Green leafy vegetables

If your menstrual flow is heavy, it is common to see a dip in your iron levels during your period. Thus, it might result in fatigue, body pains or dizziness. 

Now these might not be foods that you would enjoy when you already are moody and in pain. However, try including a few green leafy veggies in your eggs or diet! 

Green leafy – salad bowl

Spinach is high in magnesium, this mineral is known to relieve muscular cramps and spasms. 

Lettuce and Celery have high water content and hence reduce bloating. 

Broccoli is one of the top foods that helps menstrual cramps. It has good amount of fiber and iron. 

Chicken , Fish

For all my non-vegetarian lovers there you go, you got your happy choice! 

Tuna Steak food

Chicken is iron and protein rich food that you can add to your diet. 

Fish is a very nutritious addition to your diet. It is rich in iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Research says that food that is rich in omega-3s can reduce the intensity of period pain. 

Now fish, well hello!! Fish does not mean you pick fried fish or fish and chips. But tuna fish or salmon are great options.


Probably the most obvious one by far! 

Drinking water and staying hydrated is always important. This is the most important during your period as there might be a chance that you might be dehydrated and hence the headache which is a common symptom. 

Drinking a good dose of water can also stop you from retaining water and feeling bloated. You can also try water, which is infused with fruits.

Lime infused water

Tip : Even otherwise, drinking water is so important. If you are reading this now, pick your glass of water and finish it! 

Ginger – Ginger tea

A nice cup of ginger tea might be like a warm hug during periods. Ginger has anti-inflammatory effects, which can soothe achy muscles. 

Ginger tea

Reminder : Do not consume more than 4 grams of ginger in a day as it could cause stomach aches.


Probably the most satisfying one out of all. And I am with you, always a happy thought to have some chocolate. 

A tasty snack – dark chocolate is rich in iron and magnesium. Research suggests that a good source of magnesium can reduce the severity of PMS symptoms. 

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate releases hormones called serotonin and endorphins which keeps us happy. Hence, to manage those mood swings, a bar of dark chocolate can calm you down. 

Remember : A bar of regular milk chocolate would do no good. But, a bar of dark chocolate can be a great source to manage those period symptoms. 


Just by picking the right choices it makes it easy to manage those period cramps every month. Choices like fruits, green leafy vegetables, chicken, fish, ginger and chocolate can make a huge difference in our monthly journey. Most of these are easily available and can be picked up by preference to manage those otherwise painful cramps. 

Have a happy and a pain-free month! 🙂