
Hi! I’m Aishwarya and I’m excited to see you here!

Wanted to know me better?

Hello there! Thank you for checking this page, I appreciate your attention to me personally, not just to my posts and information I share. And I’m happy to share a little more about who I am and why I started this blog.  

I have completed by undergraduation in Bangalore and MBA from Hyderabad. After studies, I am currently a tax consultant by profession. I have 11-8 job at the moment.

I always had my interests in and around the topic of food. Even when I travel or go out on weekends, food is what excites me. It’s actually funny that I have more food related pictures on my phone than myself or people. Food always gave me pleasure and calm. 

Because of my crazy curiosity for food, it’s basically like on Mondays I would start checking out which new place or food item I should try the coming weekend! So as I would want to try them all, I had to focus and keep my fitness game going well as well. As a school going kid I was very much into sports and games (more than studies!!)

But, surprisingly during my initial days of college I would literally eat and try out new places in Bangalore and not workout… then suddenly one fine day I decided to start being fit! And that was the day I realised how much I missed the fitness part of life! As they make it sound, fitness does not have to be boring or too difficult to deal with. If done the right way with the right balance, it keeps you happy, pumped and with better energy each day!

And now how did Butter Paper Stories come up! Ahh in short,  food inspires me and keeps me curious to know more and understand the behind story of every food item. I select my travel places and plan to go to places which have a good variety of food options that I can try! And I am so sure there are others like me who are relentlessly curious and passionate about food. Well HELLO to you all!!! My hope with butterpaperstories.com is to inform and inspire you with various food stories, food choices and alternatives that are existing around us that you need to know about 🙂