Why is breakfast important? | 5 must know reasons

Breakfast is a super important meal and one should not skip having breakfast. Most of us must have heard that having breakfast is important but how important it is, is something most of us are not aware of. 

Are you one among those people who finds it difficult to make some time to have your breakfast?

Do you just wake up half an hour before your office timings and just run to work? 

Oh an interesting one – are you that person who skips your breakfast to save up your calories or to manage your weight? 

So yes, if you happen to be one of the many people who nodded to the above questions or some one who finds it hard to eat something in the morning – then this blog is for you!

5 Reasons of why you should ‘NOT’ skip your breakfast !

No breakfast = No energy

It’s never a good idea to skip breakfast regardless of how less hungry you are in the morning. 

Do you have a lot of work to complete in a day but not with the best of your energy? That is probably because you did not begin your day with a healthy nutritious breakfast. People who skip breakfast may have lower energy levels and less endurance to engage in physical activities throughout the day.

Breakfast helps to manage weight!

Surprised enough? well you should not be. 

Breakfast helps in keeping your overall weight management journey in check. When you make it a habit of eating breakfast in the morning, within short time you will find it crazy easy to be able to resist the unnecessary urge to reach out for junk/unhealthy food later in the day. 

Of course if you put that junk food at bay then your chances of staying in shape are way higher and easier!

Better focus and mental capacity

Having a nutritious breakfast is a necessary fuel not only for your body but for your brain as well. A good healthy breakfast helps to improve your concentration level and productivity during the day. 

Helps in better decision-making and keeps you in a happy mood. 

Better metabolism

After say 7-9 hours of fasting in the night, your body is starving for sure. You wake up with that hunger which should not be ignored.

When your body is craving for its morning food, feeding it with breakfast will increase its metabolism rate. This increased metabolism helps in burning more calories and better performance during the day.

Healthy lifestyle

Lifestyle plays a very important role! Having a healthy lifestyle in the long run is the key to a happy living. 

Having a healthy lifestyle helps you to boss that fitness journey you want to aim for. Eating healthy breakfast is the first step you take each day in that process of having a good lifestyle.

Ideas for healthy breakfast | Indian choices

Eggs (most simple and rich in protein to start your day), chia seeds pudding, whole wheat or multigrain toast, Poha, Dosa, Idli, Parathas, Omelets and the like! 

Healthy breakfast idea - Eggs and Omelets on the go!
Breakfast idea 1 – Some eggs and Omelets!
Healthy breakfast idea 2 - Parathas : Indian breakfast choice
Breakfast idea 2 -Parathas
Healthy breakfast idea 3 : Indian breakfast choice
Breakfast idea 3 – Idlis

A big ‘no’ for breakfast ideas

Sugary cereals, pancakes, waffles, juices, packaged smoothies and the like. 

Just because having breakfast is important does not mean one would end up eating unhealthy junk in the morning. This would absolutely do no good for your body. 

Instead jump over only to the healthy options mentioned above!  

A quick Ayurvedic touch

According to Ayurveda, having a light breakfast is essential to kick-start digestion and provide energy necessary  to get through the activities lined up for the day. This will help get the digestive juices flowing and cleanse out the digestive tract.


Are you one among those who would skip breakfast and have an urge to grab some quick easy junk? Well it is probably time to have your breakfast on time and see the change for yourself. 

Having breakfast helps feel fuller for longer and eat fewer calories throughout the day and hence easy enough to control your weight.  

By skipping breakfast, just know that you’re doing your precious body more harm than good. 

Have your breakfast tomorrow and enjoy your healthy lifestyle!